Preliminary and Final Decisions

Forest Practices Board v. Pas Lumber Co. Ltd. and Government of British Columbia

Decision Date:
December 15, 1999
File Numbers:
Decision Numbers:


Decision Date: December 15, 1999

Panel: Toby Vigod

Keywords: Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act – s. 67; consent order.

This was an appeal by the Forest Practices Board of two determinations made by the District Manager, Ministry of Forests as varied by a November 8, 1999 Administrative Review decision. In both cases the Administrative Review decision upheld the Manager’s original finding that The Pas Lumber Company Ltd. had contravened Section 67, paragraphs (1)(e), (1)(f) and (2)(d) of the Code. However, the reviewer reduced the original contravention penalties set by the Manager to zero.

On December 1, 1999, prior to the matter being scheduled to be heard, the parties made a joint submission to the Commission requesting that the Manager’s original penalties be re-instituted. Accordingly, the Commission ordered by consent of the parties that the Administrative Review decision be varied to assess penalties of $6575.65 and $6299.48 for the two contraventions.